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(autosprintf.info.gz) Class autosprintf

情報カタログ (autosprintf.info.gz) Introduction (autosprintf.info.gz) Top (autosprintf.info.gz) Using autosprintf
 2 The `autosprintf' class
 An instance of class `autosprintf' just contains a string with the
 formatted output result. Such an instance is usually allocated as an
 automatic storage variable, i.e. on the stack, not with `new' on the
    The constructor `autosprintf (const char *format, ...)' takes a
 format string and additional arguments, like the C function `printf'.
    Conversions to `char *' and `std::string' are defined that return
 the encapsulated string.
    The destructor `~autosprintf ()' destroys the encapsulated string.
    An `operator <<' is provided that outputs the encapsulated string to
 the given `ostream'.
情報カタログ (autosprintf.info.gz) Introduction (autosprintf.info.gz) Top (autosprintf.info.gz) Using autosprintf