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(gettext.info.gz) Quote-like Expressions

情報カタログ (gettext.info.gz) Special Keywords (gettext.info.gz) Perl (gettext.info.gz) Interpolation I What are Strings And Quote-like Expressions?
 Perl offers a plethora of different string constructs.  Those that can
 be used either as arguments to functions or inside braces for hash
 lookups are generally supported by `xgettext'.
    * *double-quoted strings*
           print gettext "Hello World!";
    * *single-quoted strings*
           print gettext 'Hello World!';
    * *the operator qq*
           print gettext qq |Hello World!|;
           print gettext qq <E-mail: <guido\@imperia.net>>;
      The operator `qq' is fully supported.  You can use arbitrary
      delimiters, including the four bracketing delimiters (round, angle,
      square, curly) that nest.
    * *the operator q*
           print gettext q |Hello World!|;
           print gettext q <E-mail: <guido@imperia.net>>;
      The operator `q' is fully supported.  You can use arbitrary
      delimiters, including the four bracketing delimiters (round, angle,
      square, curly) that nest.
    * *the operator qx*
           print gettext qx ;LANGUAGE=C /bin/date;
           print gettext qx [/usr/bin/ls | grep '^[A-Z]*'];
      The operator `qx' is fully supported.  You can use arbitrary
      delimiters, including the four bracketing delimiters (round, angle,
      square, curly) that nest.
      The example is actually a useless use of `gettext'.  It will
      invoke the `gettext' function on the output of the command
      specified with the `qx' operator.  The feature was included in
      order to make the interface consistent (the parser will extract
      all strings and quote-like expressions).
    * *here documents*
           print gettext <<'EOF';
           program not found in $PATH
           print ngettext <<EOF, <<"EOF";
           one file deleted
           several files deleted
      Here-documents are recognized.  If the delimiter is enclosed in
      single quotes, the string is not interpolated.  If it is enclosed
      in double quotes or has no quotes at all, the string is
      Delimiters that start with a digit are not supported!
情報カタログ (gettext.info.gz) Special Keywords (gettext.info.gz) Perl (gettext.info.gz) Interpolation I