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(gtk.info) Types

情報カタログ (gtk.info) Overview (gtk.info) Top (gtk.info) Objects
                                  Other kid's games are all such a bore!
                     They've gotta have rules and they gotta keep score!
                                           - Calvin about CalvinBall(tm)
    GTK implements a semi-simple type system with an associated class
 mechanism for widgets and several other useful objects.  This type
 system is intended to be general enough to allow both a smooth binding
 of dynamically typed languages to Gtk, as well as to serve for a
 rigorous and formalistic definition of the larger part of the Gtk API.
    The classes for the individual widgets are by far the most important
 part of this type system, but before we get to them, we describe the
 basics of the type system itself.  This is mostly of interest for widget
 writers and language binders, so you might want to skip ahead to the
 next chapter, which talks about the object oriented stuff.


* Type introduction
* Basics
* Simple types
* Enumerations and flags
* Strings
* Boxed types
* Callbacks
* Composite types
情報カタログ (gtk.info) Overview (gtk.info) Top (gtk.info) Objects