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(gzip.info) Tapes

情報カタログ (gzip.info) Environment (gzip.info) Top (gzip.info) Problems
 Using `gzip' on tapes
    When writing compressed data to a tape, it is generally necessary to
 pad the output with zeroes up to a block boundary. When the data is
 read and the whole block is passed to `gunzip' for decompression,
 `gunzip' detects that there is extra trailing garbage after the
 compressed data and emits a warning by default if the garbage contains
 nonzero bytes. You have to use the `--quiet' option to suppress the
 warning. This option can be set in the `GZIP' environment variable, as
      for sh:    GZIP="-q"  tar -xfz --block-compress /dev/rst0
      for csh:   (setenv GZIP "-q"; tar -xfz --block-compress /dev/rst0)
    In the above example, `gzip' is invoked implicitly by the `-z'
 option of GNU `tar'.  Make sure that the same block size (`-b' option
 of `tar') is used for reading and writing compressed data on tapes.
 (This example assumes you are using the GNU version of `tar'.)
情報カタログ (gzip.info) Environment (gzip.info) Top (gzip.info) Problems