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(heimdal.info) Setting up DNS

情報カタログ (heimdal.info) Transit policy (heimdal.info) Setting up a realm
 Setting up DNS
 If there is information about where to find the KDC or kadmind for a
 realm in the `krb5.conf' for a realm, that information will be
 preferred and DNS will not be queried.
 Heimdal will try to use DNS to find the KDCs for a realm. First it will
 try to find `SRV' resource record (RR) for the realm. If no SRV RRs are
 found, it will fall back to looking for a `A' RR for a machine named
 kerberos.REALM, and then kerberos-1.REALM, etc
 Adding this information to DNS makes the client have less configuration
 (in the common case, no configuration) and allows the system
 administrator to change the number of KDCs and on what machines they
 are running without caring about clients.
 The backside of using DNS that the client might be fooled to use the
 wrong server if someone fakes DNS replies/data, but storing the IP
 addresses of the KDC on all the clients makes it very hard to change
 the infrastructure.
 Example of the configuration for the realm `EXAMPLE.COM',
      $ORIGIN example.com.
      _kerberos._tcp          SRV     10 1 88 kerberos.example.com.
      _kerberos._udp          SRV     10 1 88 kerberos.example.com.
      _kerberos._tcp          SRV     10 1 88 kerberos-1.example.com.
      _kerberos._udp          SRV     10 1 88 kerberos-1.example.com.
      _kpasswd._udp           SRV     10 1 464 kerberos.example.com.
      _kerberos-adm._tcp	SRV	10 1 749 kerberos.example.com.
 More information about DNS SRV resource records can be found in
 RFC-2782 (A DNS RR for specifying the location of services (DNS SRV)).
情報カタログ (heimdal.info) Transit policy (heimdal.info) Setting up a realm