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(mysql.info) backup-table

情報カタログ (mysql.info) analyze-table (mysql.info) table-maintenance-sql (mysql.info) check-table `BACKUP TABLE' Syntax
 * This statement is deprecated. We are working on a better
 replacement for it that will provide online backup capabilities. In the
 meantime, the `mysqlhotcopy' script can be used instead.
 `BACKUP TABLE' copies to the backup directory the minimum number of
 table files needed to restore the table, after flushing any buffered
 changes to disk. The statement works only for `MyISAM' tables. It
 copies the `.frm' definition and `.MYD' data files. The `.MYI' index
 file can be rebuilt from those two files. The directory should be
 specified as a full pathname. To restore the table, use `RESTORE TABLE'.
 During the backup, a read lock is held for each table, one at time, as
 they are being backed up. If you want to back up several tables as a
 snapshot (preventing any of them from being changed during the backup
 operation), issue a `LOCK TABLES' statement first, to obtain a read
 lock for all tables in the group.
 `BACKUP TABLE' returns a result set with the following columns:
 *Column*    *Value*
 `Table'     The table name
 `Op'        Always `backup'
 `Msg_type'  One of `status', `error', `info', or
 `Msg_text'  The message
情報カタログ (mysql.info) analyze-table (mysql.info) table-maintenance-sql (mysql.info) check-table