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(mysql.info) cannot-initialize-character-set

情報カタログ (mysql.info) cannot-find-table (mysql.info) common-errors (mysql.info) not-enough-file-handles
 A.2.16 `Can't initialize character set'
 You might see an error like this if you have character set problems:
      MySQL Connection Failed: Can't initialize character set CHARSET_NAME
 This error can have any of the following causes:
    * The character set is a multi-byte character set and you have no
      support for the character set in the client. In this case, you
      need to recompile the client by running `configure' with the
      -with-charset=CHARSET_NAME or -with-extra-charsets=CHARSET_NAME
      option. See  configure-options.
      All standard MySQL binaries are compiled with
      -with-extra-character-sets=complex, which enables support for all
      multi-byte character sets. See  character-sets.
    * The character set is a simple character set that is not compiled
      into `mysqld', and the character set definition files are not in
      the place where the client expects to find them.
      In this case, you need to use one of the following methods to
      solve the problem:
         * Recompile the client with support for the character set.  See
         * Specify to the client the directory where the character set
           definition files are located. For many clients, you can do
           this with the -character-sets-dir option.
         * Copy the character definition files to the path where the
           client expects them to be.
情報カタログ (mysql.info) cannot-find-table (mysql.info) common-errors (mysql.info) not-enough-file-handles