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(mysql.info) constraint-primary-key

情報カタログ (mysql.info) constraints (mysql.info) constraints (mysql.info) constraint-invalid-data `PRIMARY KEY' and `UNIQUE' Index Constraints
 Normally, an error occurs when you try to `INSERT' or `UPDATE' a row
 that causes a primary key, unique key, or foreign key violation. If you
 are using a transactional storage engine such as `InnoDB', MySQL
 automatically rolls back the statement. If you are using a
 non-transactional storage engine, MySQL stops processing the statement
 at the row for which the error occurred and leaves any remaining rows
 If you want to ignore such key violations, MySQL supports an `IGNORE'
 keyword for `INSERT' and `UPDATE'. In this case, MySQL ignores any key
 violations and continues processing with the next row. See 
 insert, and  update.
 You can get information about the number of rows actually inserted or
 updated with the `mysql_info()' C API function. In MySQL 4.1 and up,
 you also can use the `SHOW WARNINGS' statement. See  mysql-info,
 and  show-warnings.
 Currently, only `InnoDB' tables support foreign keys. See 
 innodb-foreign-key-constraints. Foreign key support in `MyISAM'
 tables is scheduled for implementation in MySQL 5.2. See 
情報カタログ (mysql.info) constraints (mysql.info) constraints (mysql.info) constraint-invalid-data