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(mysql.info) deleting-from-related-tables

情報カタログ (mysql.info) non-transactional-tables (mysql.info) query-issues (mysql.info) no-matching-rows
 A.5.6 Deleting Rows from Related Tables
 If the total length of the `DELETE' statement for `related_table' is
 more than 1MB (the default value of the `max_allowed_packet' system
 variable), you should split it into smaller parts and execute multiple
 `DELETE' statements. You probably get the fastest `DELETE' by specifying
 only 100 to 1,000 `related_column' values per statement if the
 `related_column' is indexed.  If the `related_column' isn't indexed, the
 speed is independent of the number of arguments in the `IN' clause.
情報カタログ (mysql.info) non-transactional-tables (mysql.info) query-issues (mysql.info) no-matching-rows