ドキュメント ホーム サイトマップ マニュアルページ GNU 情報 検索 印刷形式

(mysql.info) error-messages-client

情報カタログ (mysql.info) error-messages-server (mysql.info) error-handling
 B.2 Client Error Codes and Messages
 Client error information comes from the following source files:
    * The Error values and the symbols in parentheses correspond to
      definitions in the `include/errmsg.h' MySQL source file.
    * The Message values correspond to the error messages that are
      listed in the `libmysql/errmsg.c' file.  `%d' and `%s' represent
      numbers and strings, respectively, that are substituted into the
      messages when they are displayed.
 Because updates are frequent, it is possible that those files will
 contain additional error information not listed here.
    * Error: `2000' (`CR_UNKNOWN_ERROR')
      Message: Unknown MySQL error
    * Error: `2001' (`CR_SOCKET_CREATE_ERROR')
      Message: Can't create UNIX socket (%d)
    * Error: `2002' (`CR_CONNECTION_ERROR')
      Message: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '%s'
    * Error: `2003' (`CR_CONN_HOST_ERROR')
      Message: Can't connect to MySQL server on '%s' (%d)
    * Error: `2004' (`CR_IPSOCK_ERROR')
      Message: Can't create TCP/IP socket (%d)
    * Error: `2005' (`CR_UNKNOWN_HOST')
      Message: Unknown MySQL server host '%s' (%d)
    * Error: `2006' (`CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR')
      Message: MySQL server has gone away
    * Error: `2007' (`CR_VERSION_ERROR')
      Message: Protocol mismatch; server version = %d, client version =
    * Error: `2008' (`CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY')
      Message: MySQL client ran out of memory
    * Error: `2009' (`CR_WRONG_HOST_INFO')
      Message: Wrong host info
    * Error: `2010' (`CR_LOCALHOST_CONNECTION')
      Message: Localhost via UNIX socket
    * Error: `2011' (`CR_TCP_CONNECTION')
      Message: %s via TCP/IP
    * Error: `2012' (`CR_SERVER_HANDSHAKE_ERR')
      Message: Error in server handshake
    * Error: `2013' (`CR_SERVER_LOST')
      Message: Lost connection to MySQL server during query
    * Error: `2014' (`CR_COMMANDS_OUT_OF_SYNC')
      Message: Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now
    * Error: `2015' (`CR_NAMEDPIPE_CONNECTION')
      Message: Named pipe: %s
    * Error: `2016' (`CR_NAMEDPIPEWAIT_ERROR')
      Message: Can't wait for named pipe to host: %s pipe: %s (%lu)
    * Error: `2017' (`CR_NAMEDPIPEOPEN_ERROR')
      Message: Can't open named pipe to host: %s pipe: %s (%lu)
    * Error: `2018' (`CR_NAMEDPIPESETSTATE_ERROR')
      Message: Can't set state of named pipe to host: %s pipe: %s (%lu)
    * Error: `2019' (`CR_CANT_READ_CHARSET')
      Message: Can't initialize character set %s (path: %s)
    * Error: `2020' (`CR_NET_PACKET_TOO_LARGE')
      Message: Got packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes
    * Error: `2021' (`CR_EMBEDDED_CONNECTION')
      Message: Embedded server
    * Error: `2022' (`CR_PROBE_SLAVE_STATUS')
      Message: Error on SHOW SLAVE STATUS:
    * Error: `2023' (`CR_PROBE_SLAVE_HOSTS')
      Message: Error on SHOW SLAVE HOSTS:
    * Error: `2024' (`CR_PROBE_SLAVE_CONNECT')
      Message: Error connecting to slave:
    * Error: `2025' (`CR_PROBE_MASTER_CONNECT')
      Message: Error connecting to master:
    * Error: `2026' (`CR_SSL_CONNECTION_ERROR')
      Message: SSL connection error
    * Error: `2027' (`CR_MALFORMED_PACKET')
      Message: Malformed packet
    * Error: `2028' (`CR_WRONG_LICENSE')
      Message: This client library is licensed only for use with MySQL
      servers having '%s' license
    * Error: `2029' (`CR_NULL_POINTER')
      Message: Invalid use of null pointer
    * Error: `2030' (`CR_NO_PREPARE_STMT')
      Message: Statement not prepared
    * Error: `2031' (`CR_PARAMS_NOT_BOUND')
      Message: No data supplied for parameters in prepared statement
    * Error: `2032' (`CR_DATA_TRUNCATED')
      Message: Data truncated
    * Error: `2033' (`CR_NO_PARAMETERS_EXISTS')
      Message: No parameters exist in the statement
    * Error: `2034' (`CR_INVALID_PARAMETER_NO')
      Message: Invalid parameter number
    * Error: `2035' (`CR_INVALID_BUFFER_USE')
      Message: Can't send long data for non-string/non-binary data types
      (parameter: %d)
    * Error: `2036' (`CR_UNSUPPORTED_PARAM_TYPE')
      Message: Using unsupported buffer type: %d (parameter: %d)
    * Error: `2037' (`CR_SHARED_MEMORY_CONNECTION')
      Message: Shared memory: %s
      Message: Can't open shared memory; client could not create request
      event (%lu)
      Message: Can't open shared memory; no answer event received from
      server (%lu)
      Message: Can't open shared memory; server could not allocate file
      mapping (%lu)
      Message: Can't open shared memory; server could not get pointer to
      file mapping (%lu)
    * Error: `2042' (`CR_SHARED_MEMORY_FILE_MAP_ERROR')
      Message: Can't open shared memory; client could not allocate file
      mapping (%lu)
    * Error: `2043' (`CR_SHARED_MEMORY_MAP_ERROR')
      Message: Can't open shared memory; client could not get pointer to
      file mapping (%lu)
    * Error: `2044' (`CR_SHARED_MEMORY_EVENT_ERROR')
      Message: Can't open shared memory; client could not create %s
      event (%lu)
      Message: Can't open shared memory; no answer from server (%lu)
      Message: Can't open shared memory; cannot send request event to
      server (%lu)
    * Error: `2047' (`CR_CONN_UNKNOW_PROTOCOL')
      Message: Wrong or unknown protocol
    * Error: `2048' (`CR_INVALID_CONN_HANDLE')
      Message: Invalid connection handle
    * Error: `2049' (`CR_SECURE_AUTH')
      Message: Connection using old (pre-4.1.1) authentication protocol
      refused (client option 'secure_auth' enabled)
    * Error: `2050' (`CR_FETCH_CANCELED')
      Message: Row retrieval was canceled by mysql_stmt_close() call
    * Error: `2051' (`CR_NO_DATA')
      Message: Attempt to read column without prior row fetch
    * Error: `2052' (`CR_NO_STMT_METADATA')
      Message: Prepared statement contains no metadata
    * Error: `2053' (`CR_NO_RESULT_SET')
      Message: Attempt to read a row while there is no result set
      associated with the statement
    * Error: `2054' (`CR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED')
      Message: This feature is not implemented yet
情報カタログ (mysql.info) error-messages-server (mysql.info) error-handling