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(mysql.info) file-permissions

情報カタログ (mysql.info) link-errors (mysql.info) installation-issues
 A.3.2 Problems with File Permissions
 If you have problems with file permissions, the `UMASK' environment
 variable might be set incorrectly when `mysqld' starts. For example,
 MySQL might issue the following error message when you create a table:
      ERROR: Can't find file: 'path/with/filename.frm' (Errcode: 13)
 The default `UMASK' value is `0660'. You can change this behavior by
 starting `mysqld_safe' as follows:
      shell> UMASK=384  # = 600 in octal
      shell> export UMASK
      shell> mysqld_safe &
 By default, MySQL creates database and `RAID' directories with an
 access permission value of `0700'. You can modify this behavior by
 setting the `UMASK_DIR' variable. If you set its value, new directories
 are created with the combined `UMASK' and `UMASK_DIR' values. For
 example, if you want to give group access to all new directories, you
 can do this:
      shell> UMASK_DIR=504  # = 770 in octal
      shell> export UMASK_DIR
      shell> mysqld_safe &
 In MySQL 3.23.25 and above, MySQL assumes that the value for `UMASK'
 and `UMASK_DIR' is in octal if it starts with a zero.
 See  environment-variables.
情報カタログ (mysql.info) link-errors (mysql.info) installation-issues