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(mysql.info) libmysqld

情報カタログ (mysql.info) apis (mysql.info) apis (mysql.info) c
 22.1 libmysqld, the Embedded MySQL Server Library


* libmysqld-overview           Overview of the Embedded MySQL Server Library
* libmysqld-compiling          Compiling Programs with `libmysqld'
* libmysqld-restrictions       Restrictions when using the Embedded MySQL Server
* libmysqld-options            Options with the Embedded Server
* libmysqld-todo               Things left to do in Embedded Server (TODO)
* libmysqld-example            Embedded Server Examples
* libmysqld-licensing          Licensing the Embedded Server
情報カタログ (mysql.info) apis (mysql.info) apis (mysql.info) c