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(mysql.info) log-files

情報カタログ (mysql.info) localization (mysql.info) database-administration (mysql.info) multiple-servers
 5.12 MySQL Server Logs


* error-log                    The Error Log
* query-log                    The General Query Log
* binary-log                   The Binary Log
* slow-query-log               The Slow Query Log
* log-file-maintenance         Server Log Maintenance
 MySQL has several different log files that can help you find out what
 is going on inside `mysqld':
 *Log Type*             *Information Written to Log*
 The error log          Problems encountered starting, running, or
                        stopping `mysqld'
 The general query log  Established client connections and statements
                        received from clients
 The binary log         All statements that change data (also used for
 The slow log           All queries that took more than `long_query_time'
                        seconds to execute or didn't use indexes
 By default, all log files are created in the `mysqld' data directory.
 You can force `mysqld' to close and reopen the log files (or in some
 cases switch to a new log) by flushing the logs. Log flushing occurs
 when you issue a `FLUSH LOGS' statement or execute `mysqladmin
 flush-logs' or `mysqladmin refresh'. See  flush.
 If you are using MySQL replication capabilities, slave replication
 servers maintain additional log files called relay logs. These are
 discussed in  replication.
情報カタログ (mysql.info) localization (mysql.info) database-administration (mysql.info) multiple-servers