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(mysql.info) many-versions

情報カタログ (mysql.info) choosing-distribution-format (mysql.info) which-version (mysql.info) release-philosophy How and When Updates Are Released
 MySQL is evolving quite rapidly and we want to share new developments
 with other MySQL users. We try to produce a new release whenever we
 have new and useful features that others also seem to have a need for.
 We also try to help users who request features that are easy to
 implement. We take note of what our licensed users want, and we
 especially take note of what our support customers want and try to help
 them in this regard.
 No one is _required_ to download a new release. The News section helps
 you determine whether the new release has something you really want. See
 We use the following policy when updating MySQL:
    * Releases are issued within each series. For each release, the last
      number in the version is one more than the previous release within
      the same series.
    * Production (stable) releases are meant to appear about 1-2 times a
      year. However, if small bugs are found, a release with only
      bugfixes is issued.
    * Working releases/bugfixes to old releases are meant to appear
      about every 4-8 weeks.
    * Binary distributions for some platforms are made by us for major
      releases. Other people may make binary distributions for other
      systems, but probably less frequently.
    * We make fixes available as soon as we have identified and
      corrected small or non-critical but annoying bugs. The fixes are
      available immediately from our public BitKeeper repositories, and
      are included in the next release.
    * If by any chance a fatal bug is found in a release, our policy is
      to fix it in a new release as soon as possible.  (We would like
      other companies to do this, too!)
情報カタログ (mysql.info) choosing-distribution-format (mysql.info) which-version (mysql.info) release-philosophy