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(mysql.info) myisamchk-repair-options

¾ðÊ󥫥¿¥í¥° (mysql.info) myisamchk-check-options (mysql.info) myisamchk (mysql.info) myisamchk-other-options
 8.2.3 `myisamchk' Repair Options
 `myisamchk' supports the following options for table repair operations:
    * -backup, -B
      Make a backup of the `.MYD' file as `FILE_NAME-TIME.BAK'
    * -character-sets-dir=PATH
      The directory where character sets are installed. See 
    * -correct-checksum
      Correct the checksum information for the table.
    * -data-file-length=LEN, -D LEN
      Maximum length of the data file (when re-creating data file when
      it is `full').
    * -extend-check, -e
      Do a repair that tries to recover every possible row from the data
      file. Normally, this also finds a lot of garbage rows. Don't use
      this option unless you are desperate.
    * -force, -f
      Overwrite old intermediate files (files with names like
      `TBL_NAME.TMD') instead of aborting.
    * -keys-used=VAL, -k VAL
      For `myisamchk', the option value is a bit-value that indicates
      which indexes to update. Each binary bit of the option value
      corresponds to a table index, where the first index is bit 0. An
      option value of 0 disables updates to all indexes, which can be
      used to get faster inserts. Deactivated indexes can be reactivated
      by using `myisamchk -r'.
    * -max-record-length=LEN
      Skip rows larger than the given length if `myisamchk' cannot
      allocate memory to hold them.
    * -parallel-recover, -p
      Uses the same technique as -r and -n, but creates all the keys in
      parallel, using different threads. _This is beta-quality code. Use
      at your own risk!_
    * -quick, -q
      Achieve a faster repair by not modifying the data file.  You can
      specify this option twice to force `myisamchk' to modify the
      original data file in case of duplicate keys.
    * -recover, -r
      Do a repair that can fix almost any problem except unique keys
      that aren't unique (which is an extremely unlikely error with
      `MyISAM' tables). If you want to recover a table, this is the
      option to try first. You should try -safe-recover only if
      `myisamchk' reports that the table can't be recovered using
      -recover. (In the unlikely case that -recover fails, the data file
      remains intact.)
      If you have lots of memory, you should increase the value of
    * -safe-recover, -o
      Do a repair using an old recovery method that reads through all
      rows in order and updates all index trees based on the rows found.
      This is an order of magnitude slower than -recover, but can handle
      a couple of very unlikely cases that -recover cannot. This
      recovery method also uses much less disk space than -recover.
      Normally, you should repair first with -recover, and then with
      -safe-recover only if -recover fails.
      If you have lots of memory, you should increase the value of
    * -set-character-set=NAME
      Change the character set used by the table indexes. This option
      was replaced by -set-collation in MySQL 5.0.3.
    * -set-collation=NAME
      Specify the collation to use for sorting table indexes.  The
      character set name is implied by the first part of the collation
      name. This option was added in MySQL 5.0.3.
    * -sort-recover, -n
      Force `myisamchk' to use sorting to resolve the keys even if the
      temporary files would be very large.
    * -tmpdir=PATH, -t PATH
      Path of the directory to be used for storing temporary files. If
      this is not set, `myisamchk' uses the value of the `TMPDIR'
      environment variable. `tmpdir' can be set to a list of directory
      paths that are used successively in round-robin fashion for
      creating temporary files. The separator character between
      directory names is the colon (‘`:'’) on Unix and the semicolon
      (‘`;'’) on Windows, NetWare, and OS/2.
    * -unpack, -u
      Unpack a table that was packed with `myisampack'.
¾ðÊ󥫥¿¥í¥° (mysql.info) myisamchk-check-options (mysql.info) myisamchk (mysql.info) myisamchk-other-options