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(mysql.info) mysql-command-options

¾ðÊ󥫥¿¥í¥° (mysql.info) mysql (mysql.info) mysql (mysql.info) mysql-commands
 8.5.1 `mysql' Options
 `mysql' supports the following options:
    * -help, -?
      Display a help message and exit.
    * -auto-rehash
      Enable automatic rehashing. This option is on by default, which
      enables table and column name completion. Use -skip-auto-rehash to
      disable rehashing.  That causes `mysql' to start faster, but you
      must issue the `rehash' command if you want to use table and
      column name completion.
    * -batch, -B
      Print results using tab as the column separator, with each row on
      a new line. With this option, `mysql' does not use the history
    * -character-sets-dir=PATH
      The directory where character sets are installed. See 
    * -column-names
      Write column names in results.
    * -compress, -C
      Compress all information sent between the client and the server if
      both support compression.
    * -database=DB_NAME, -D DB_NAME
      The database to use. This is useful primarily in an option file.
    * -debug[=DEBUG_OPTIONS], -# [DEBUG_OPTIONS]
      Write a debugging log. The DEBUG_OPTIONS string often is
      `'d:t:o,FILE_NAME''.  The default is `'d:t:o,/tmp/mysql.trace''.
    * -debug-info, -T
      Print some debugging information when the program exits.
    * -default-character-set=CHARSET_NAME
      Use CHARSET_NAME as the default character set. See 
    * -delimiter=STR
      Set the statement delimiter. The default is the semicolon
      character (‘`;'’).
    * -execute=STATEMENT, -e STATEMENT
      Execute the statement and quit. The default output format is like
      that produced with -batch. See  command-line-options, for
      some examples.
    * -force, -f
      Continue even if an SQL error occurs.
    * -host=HOST_NAME, -h HOST_NAME
      Connect to the MySQL server on the given host.
    * -html, -H
      Produce HTML output.
    * -ignore-spaces, -i
      Ignore spaces after function names. The effect of this is
      described in the discussion for the `IGNORE_SPACE' SQL mode (see
    * -line-numbers
      Write line numbers for errors. Disable this with
    * -local-infile[={0|1}]
      Enable or disable `LOCAL' capability for `LOAD DATA INFILE'. With
      no value, the option enables `LOCAL'. The option may be given as
      -local-infile=0 or -local-infile=1 to explicitly disable or enable
      `LOCAL'. Enabling `LOCAL' has no effect if the server does not
      also support it.
    * -named-commands, -G
      Enable named `mysql' commands.  Long-format commands are allowed,
      not just short-format commands. For example, `quit' and `\q' both
      are recognized. Use -skip-named-commands to disable named
      commands. See  mysql-commands.
    * -no-auto-rehash, -A
      Deprecated form of -skip-auto-rehash. See the description for
    * -no-beep, -b
      Do not beep when errors occur.
    * -no-named-commands, -g
      Disable named commands. Use the `\*' form only, or use named
      commands only at the beginning of a line ending with a semicolon
      (‘`;'’).  `mysql' starts with this option _enabled_ by
      default. However, even with this option, long-format commands
      still work from the first line. See  mysql-commands.
    * -no-pager
      Deprecated form of -skip-pager. See the -pager option.
    * -no-tee
      Do not copy output to a file.   mysql-commands, discusses
      tee files further.
    * -one-database, -o
      Ignore statements except those for the default database named on
      the command line. This is useful for skipping updates to other
      databases in the binary log.
    * -pager[=COMMAND]
      Use the given command for paging query output. If the command is
      omitted, the default pager is the value of your `PAGER'
      environment variable. Valid pagers are `less', `more', `cat [>
      filename]', and so forth. This option works only on Unix. It does
      not work in batch mode. To disable paging, use -skip-pager.  
      mysql-commands, discusses output paging further.
    * -password[=PASSWORD], -p[PASSWORD]
      The password to use when connecting to the server. If you use the
      short option form (-p), you _cannot_ have a space between the
      option and the password. If you omit the PASSWORD value following
      the -password or -p option on the command line, you are prompted
      for one.
      Specifying a password on the command line should be considered
      insecure. See  password-security.
    * -port=PORT_NUM, -P PORT_NUM
      The TCP/IP port number to use for the connection.
    * -prompt=FORMAT_STR
      Set the prompt to the specified format. The default is `mysql>'.
      The special sequences that the prompt can contain are described in
    * -protocol={TCP|SOCKET|PIPE|MEMORY}
      The connection protocol to use.
    * -quick, -q
      Do not cache each query result, print each row as it is received.
      This may slow down the server if the output is suspended. With
      this option, `mysql' does not use the history file.
    * -raw, -r
      Write column values without escape conversion. Often used with the
      -batch option.
    * -reconnect
      If the connection to the server is lost, automatically try to
      reconnect. A single reconnect attempt is made each time the
      connection is lost. To suppress reconnection behavior, use
    * -safe-updates, -i-am-a-dummy, -U
      Allow only those `UPDATE' and `DELETE' statements that specify
      which rows to modify by using key values. If you have set this
      option in an option file, you can override it by using
      -safe-updates on the command line. See  mysql-tips, for
      more information about this option.
    * -secure-auth
      Do not send passwords to the server in old (pre-4.1.1) format.
      This prevents connections except for servers that use the newer
      password format.
    * -show-warnings
      Cause warnings to be shown after each statement if there are any.
      This option applies to interactive and batch mode. This option was
      added in MySQL 5.0.6.
    * -sigint-ignore
      Ignore `SIGINT' signals (typically the result of typing Control-C).
    * -silent, -s
      Silent mode. Produce less output. This option can be given
      multiple times to produce less and less output.
    * -skip-column-names, -N
      Do not write column names in results.
    * -skip-line-numbers, -L
      Do not write line numbers for errors. Useful when you want to
      compare result files that include error messages.
    * -socket=PATH, -S PATH
      For connections to `localhost', the Unix socket file to use, or,
      on Windows, the name of the named pipe to use.
    * -table, -t
      Display output in table format. This is the default for
      interactive use, but can be used to produce table output in batch
    * -tee=FILE_NAME
      Append a copy of output to the given file. This option does not
      work in batch mode. in  mysql-commands, discusses tee files
    * -unbuffered, -n
      Flush the buffer after each query.
    * -user=USER_NAME, -u USER_NAME
      The MySQL username to use when connecting to the server.
    * -verbose, -v
      Verbose mode. Produce more output about what the program does.
      This option can be given multiple times to produce more and more
      output. (For example, -v -v -v produces table output format even
      in batch mode.)
    * -version, -V
      Display version information and exit.
    * -vertical, -E
      Print query output rows vertically (one line per coluumn value).
      Without this option, you can specify vertical output for
      individual statements by terminating them with `\G'.
    * -wait, -w
      If the connection cannot be established, wait and retry instead of
    * -xml, -X
      Produce XML output.
 You can also set the following variables by using -VAR_NAME=VALUE
    * `connect_timeout'
      The number of seconds before connection timeout. (Default value is
    * `max_allowed_packet'
      The maximum packet length to send to or receive from the server.
      (Default value is 16MB.)
    * `max_join_size'
      The automatic limit for rows in a join when using -safe-updates.
      (Default value is 1,000,000.)
    * `net_buffer_length'
      The buffer size for TCP/IP and socket communication.  (Default
      value is 16KB.)
    * `select_limit'
      The automatic limit for `SELECT' statements when using
      -safe-updates.  (Default value is 1,000.)
 It is also possible to set variables by using
 -set-variable=VAR_NAME=VALUE or -O VAR_NAME=VALUE syntax. _This syntax
 is deprecated_.
 On Unix, the `mysql' client writes a record of executed statements to a
 history file. By default, the history file is named `.mysql_history' and
 is created in your home directory. To specify a different file, set the
 value of the `MYSQL_HISTFILE' environment variable.
 If you do not want to maintain a history file, first remove
 `.mysql_history' if it exists, and then use either of the following
    * Set the `MYSQL_HISTFILE' variable to `/dev/null'. To cause this
      setting to take effect each time you log in, put the setting in one
      of your shell's startup files.
    * Create `.mysql_history' as a symbolic link to `/dev/null':
           shell> ln -s /dev/null $HOME/.mysql_history
      You need do this only once.
¾ðÊ󥫥¿¥í¥° (mysql.info) mysql (mysql.info) mysql (mysql.info) mysql-commands