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(mysql.info) mysqld

情報カタログ (mysql.info) server-side-overview (mysql.info) database-administration (mysql.info) mysqld-max
 5.2 `mysqld' -- The MySQL Server


* server-options               `mysqld' Command Options
* server-system-variables      Server System Variables
* using-system-variables       Using System Variables
* server-status-variables      Server Status Variables
* server-sql-mode              The Server SQL Mode
* server-shutdown              The MySQL Server Shutdown Process
 `mysqld' is the MySQL server. The following discussion covers these
 MySQL server configuration topics:
    * Startup options that the server supports
    * Server system variables
    * Server status variables
    * How to set the server SQL mode
    * The server shutdown process
情報カタログ (mysql.info) server-side-overview (mysql.info) database-administration (mysql.info) mysqld-max