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(mysql.info) mysqlimport

情報カタログ (mysql.info) mysqlhotcopy (mysql.info) client-utility-programs (mysql.info) mysqlshow
 8.12 `mysqlimport' -- A Data Import Program
 The `mysqlimport' client provides a command-line interface to the `LOAD
 DATA INFILE' SQL statement. Most options to `mysqlimport' correspond
 directly to clauses of `LOAD DATA INFILE' syntax. See  load-data.
 Invoke `mysqlimport' like this:
      shell> mysqlimport [OPTIONS] DB_NAME TEXTFILE1 [TEXTFILE2 ...]
 For each text file named on the command line, `mysqlimport' strips any
 extension from the filename and uses the result to determine the name
 of the table into which to import the file's contents. For example,
 files named `patient.txt', `patient.text', and `patient' all would be
 imported into a table named `patient'.
 `mysqlimport' supports the following options:
    * -help, -?
      Display a help message and exit.
    * -character-sets-dir=PATH
      The directory where character sets are installed. See 
    * -columns=COLUMN_LIST, -c COLUMN_LIST
      This option takes a comma-separated list of column names as its
      value. The order of the column names indicates how to match data
      file columns with table columns.
    * -compress, -C
      Compress all information sent between the client and the server if
      both support compression.
    * -debug[=DEBUG_OPTIONS], -# [DEBUG_OPTIONS]
      Write a debugging log. The DEBUG_OPTIONS string often is
    * -default-character-set=CHARSET_NAME
      Use CHARSET_NAME as the default character set. See 
    * -delete, -D
      Empty the table before importing the text file.
    * -fields-terminated-by=..., -fields-enclosed-by=...,
      -fields-optionally-enclosed-by=..., -fields-escaped-by=...,
      These options have the same meaning as the corresponding clauses
      for `LOAD DATA INFILE'. See  load-data.
    * -force, -f
      Ignore errors. For example, if a table for a text file does not
      exist, continue processing any remaining files.  Without -force,
      `mysqlimport' exits if a table does not exist.
    * -host=HOST_NAME, -h HOST_NAME
      Import data to the MySQL server on the given host. The default
      host is `localhost'.
    * -ignore, -i
      See the description for the -replace option.
    * -ignore-lines=N
      Ignore the first N lines of the data file.
    * -local, -L
      Read input files locally from the client host.
    * -lock-tables, -l
      Lock _all_ tables for writing before processing any text files.
      This ensures that all tables are synchronized on the server.
    * -low-priority
      Use `LOW_PRIORITY' when loading the table.
    * -password[=PASSWORD], -p[PASSWORD]
      The password to use when connecting to the server. If you use the
      short option form (-p), you _cannot_ have a space between the
      option and the password. If you omit the PASSWORD value following
      the -password or -p option on the command line, you are prompted
      for one.
      Specifying a password on the command line should be considered
      insecure. See  password-security.
    * -port=PORT_NUM, -P PORT_NUM
      The TCP/IP port number to use for the connection.
    * -protocol={TCP|SOCKET|PIPE|MEMORY}
      The connection protocol to use.
    * -replace, -r
      The -replace and -ignore options control handling of input rows
      that duplicate existing rows on unique key values. If you specify
      -replace, new rows replace existing rows that have the same unique
      key value. If you specify -ignore, input rows that duplicate an
      existing row on a unique key value are skipped. If you do not
      specify either option, an error occurs when a duplicate key value
      is found, and the rest of the text file is ignored.
    * -silent, -s
      Silent mode. Produce output only when errors occur.
    * -socket=PATH, -S PATH
      For connections to `localhost', the Unix socket file to use, or,
      on Windows, the name of the named pipe to use.
    * -user=USER_NAME, -u USER_NAME
      The MySQL username to use when connecting to the server.
    * -verbose, -v
      Verbose mode. Print more information about what the program does.
    * -version, -V
      Display version information and exit.
 Here is a sample session that demonstrates use of `mysqlimport':
      shell> mysql -e 'CREATE TABLE imptest(id INT, n VARCHAR(30))' test
      shell> ed
      100     Max Sydow
      101     Count Dracula
      w imptest.txt
      shell> od -c imptest.txt
      0000000   1   0   0  \t   M   a   x       S   y   d   o   w  \n   1   0
      0000020   1  \t   C   o   u   n   t       D   r   a   c   u   l   a  \n
      shell> mysqlimport --local test imptest.txt
      test.imptest: Records: 2  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 0
      shell> mysql -e 'SELECT * FROM imptest' test
      | id   | n             |
      |  100 | Max Sydow     |
      |  101 | Count Dracula |
情報カタログ (mysql.info) mysqlhotcopy (mysql.info) client-utility-programs (mysql.info) mysqlshow