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(mysql.info) odbc-and-last-insert-id

情報カタログ (mysql.info) functionality (mysql.info) functionality (mysql.info) dynamic-cursor How to Get the Value of an `AUTO_INCREMENT' Column in ODBC
 A common problem is how to get the value of an automatically generated
 ID from an `INSERT' statement. With ODBC, you can do something like
 this (assuming that `auto' is an `AUTO_INCREMENT' field):
      INSERT INTO tbl (auto,text) VALUES(NULL,'text');
 Or, if you are just going to insert the ID into another table, you can
 do this:
      INSERT INTO tbl (auto,text) VALUES(NULL,'text');
      INSERT INTO tbl2 (id,text) VALUES(LAST_INSERT_ID(),'text');
 See  getting-unique-id.
 For the benefit of some ODBC applications (at least Delphi and Access),
 the following query can be used to find a newly inserted row:
      SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE auto IS NULL;
情報カタログ (mysql.info) functionality (mysql.info) functionality (mysql.info) dynamic-cursor