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(mysql.info) perl

情報カタログ (mysql.info) php (mysql.info) apis (mysql.info) cplusplus
 22.4 MySQL Perl API
 The Perl `DBI' module provides a generic interface for database access.
 You can write a DBI script that works with many different database
 engines without change. To use DBI, you must install the `DBI' module,
 as well as a DataBase Driver (DBD) module for each type of server you
 want to access. For MySQL, this driver is the `DBD::mysql' module.
 Perl DBI is the recommended Perl interface. It replaces an older
 interface called `mysqlperl', which should be considered obsolete.
 Installation instructions for Perl DBI support are given in 
 DBI information is available at the command line, online, or in printed
    * Once you have the `DBI' and `DBD::mysql' modules installed, you
      can get information about them at the command line with the
      `perldoc' command:
           shell> perldoc DBI
           shell> perldoc DBI::FAQ
           shell> perldoc DBD::mysql
      You can also use `pod2man', `pod2html', and so forth to translate
      this information into other formats.
    * For online information about Perl DBI, visit the DBI Web site,
      `http://dbi.perl.org/'. That site hosts a general DBI mailing
      list. MySQL AB hosts a list specifically about `DBD::mysql'; see
    * For printed information, the official DBI book is `Programming the
      Perl DBI' (Alligator Descartes and Tim Bunce, O'Reilly &
      Associates, 2000).  Information about the book is available at the
      DBI Web site, `http://dbi.perl.org/'.
      For information that focuses specifically on using DBI with MySQL,
      see `MySQL and Perl for the Web' (Paul DuBois, New Riders, 2001).
      This book's Web site is `http://www.kitebird.com/mysql-perl/'.
情報カタログ (mysql.info) php (mysql.info) apis (mysql.info) cplusplus