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(mysql.info) post-installation

情報カタログ (mysql.info) installing-source (mysql.info) installing (mysql.info) upgrade
 2.9 Post-Installation Setup and Testing


* windows-post-installation    Windows Post-Installation Procedures
* unix-post-installation       Unix Post-Installation Procedures
* default-privileges           Securing the Initial MySQL Accounts
 After installing MySQL, there are some issues that you should address.
 For example, on Unix, you should initialize the data directory and
 create the MySQL grant tables. On all platforms, an important security
 concern is that the initial accounts in the grant tables have no
 passwords. You should assign passwords to prevent unauthorized access
 to the MySQL server. Optionally, you can create time zone tables to
 enable recognition of named time zones.
 The following sections include post-installation procedures that are
 specific to Windows systems and to Unix systems. Another section, 
 starting-server, applies to all platforms; it describes what to do if
 you have trouble getting the server to start. 
 default-privileges, also applies to all platforms. You should follow
 its instructions to make sure that you have properly protected your
 MySQL accounts by assigning passwords to them.
 When you are ready to create additional user accounts, you can find
 information on the MySQL access control system and account management
 in  privilege-system, and  user-account-management.
情報カタログ (mysql.info) installing-source (mysql.info) installing (mysql.info) upgrade