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(mysql.info) show-triggers

情報カタログ (mysql.info) show-tables (mysql.info) show (mysql.info) show-variables `SHOW TRIGGERS' Syntax
 `SHOW TRIGGERS' lists the triggers currently defined on the MySQL
 server. This statement requires the `SUPER' privilege. It was
 implemented in MySQL 5.0.10.
 For the trigger `ins_sum' as defined in  using-triggers, the
 output of this statement is as shown here:
      mysql> SHOW TRIGGERS LIKE 'acc%'\G
      *************************** 1. row ***************************
        Trigger: ins_sum
          Event: INSERT
          Table: account
      Statement: SET @sum = @sum + NEW.amount
         Timing: BEFORE
        Created: NULL
        Definer: myname@localhost
 * When using a `LIKE' clause with `SHOW TRIGGERS', the expression
 to be matched (EXPR) is compared with the name of the table on which
 the trigger is declared, and not with the name of the trigger:
      mysql> SHOW TRIGGERS LIKE 'ins%';
      Empty set (0.01 sec)
 A brief explanation of the columns in the output of this statement is
 shown here:
    * `Trigger'
      The name of the trigger.
    * `Event'
      The event that causes trigger activation: one of `'INSERT'',
      `'UPDATE'', or `'DELETE''.
    * `Table'
      The table for which the trigger is defined.
    * `Statement'
      The statement to be executed when the trigger is activated. This
      is the same as the text shown in the `ACTION_STATEMENT' column of
    * `Timing'
      One of the two values `'BEFORE'' or `'AFTER''.
    * `Created'
      Currently, the value of this column is always `NULL'.
    * `sql_mode'
      The SQL mode in effect when the trigger executes. This column was
      added in MySQL 5.0.11.
    * `Definer'
      The account that created the trigger. This column was added in
      MySQL 5.0.17.
 You must have the `SUPER' privilege to execute `SHOW TRIGGERS'.
 See also  triggers-table.
情報カタログ (mysql.info) show-tables (mysql.info) show (mysql.info) show-variables