ドキュメント ホーム サイトマップ マニュアルページ GNU 情報 検索 印刷形式

(mysql.info) string-types

情報カタログ (mysql.info) date-and-time-types (mysql.info) data-types (mysql.info) storage-requirements
 11.4 String Types


* char                         The `CHAR' and `VARCHAR' Types
* binary-varbinary             The `BINARY' and `VARBINARY' Types
* blob                         The `BLOB' and `TEXT' Types
* enum                         The `ENUM' Type
* set                          The `SET' Type
 The string types are `CHAR', `VARCHAR', `BINARY', `VARBINARY', `BLOB',
 `TEXT', `ENUM', and `SET'. This section describes how these types work
 and how to use them in your queries. For string type storage
 requirements, see  storage-requirements.
情報カタログ (mysql.info) date-and-time-types (mysql.info) data-types (mysql.info) storage-requirements