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(mysql.info) table-optimization

情報カタログ (mysql.info) repair (mysql.info) table-maintenance (mysql.info) table-info Table Optimization
 To coalesce fragmented rows and eliminate wasted space that results
 from deleting or updating rows, run `myisamchk' in recovery mode:
      shell> myisamchk -r TBL_NAME
 You can optimize a table in the same way by using the `OPTIMIZE TABLE'
 SQL statement.  `OPTIMIZE TABLE' does a table repair and a key
 analysis, and also sorts the index tree so that key lookups are faster.
 There is also no possibility of unwanted interaction between a utility
 and the server, because the server does all the work when you use
 `OPTIMIZE TABLE'. See  optimize-table.
 `myisamchk' has a number of other options that you can use to improve
 the performance of a table:
    * -analyze, -a
    * -sort-index, -S
    * -sort-records=INDEX_NUM, -R INDEX_NUM
 For a full description of all available options, see  myisamchk.
情報カタログ (mysql.info) repair (mysql.info) table-maintenance (mysql.info) table-info