ドキュメント ホーム サイトマップ マニュアルページ GNU 情報 検索 印刷形式

(mysql.info) temporary-table-problems

情報カタログ (mysql.info) change-column-order (mysql.info) table-definition-issues
 A.7.3 `TEMPORARY TABLE' Problems
 The following list indicates limitations on the use of `TEMPORARY'
    * A `TEMPORARY' table can only be of type `HEAP', `ISAM', `MyISAM',
      `MERGE', or `InnoDB'.
    * You cannot refer to a `TEMPORARY' table more than once in the same
      query. For example, the following does not work:
           mysql> SELECT * FROM temp_table, temp_table AS t2;
           ERROR 1137: Can't reopen table: 'temp_table'
    * The `SHOW TABLES' statement does not list `TEMPORARY' tables.
    * You cannot use `RENAME' to rename a `TEMPORARY' table. However,
      you can use `ALTER TABLE' instead:
           mysql> ALTER TABLE orig_name RENAME new_name;
    * There are known issues in using temporary tables with replication.
      See  replication-features, for more information.
情報カタログ (mysql.info) change-column-order (mysql.info) table-definition-issues