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(mysql.info) verifying-package-integrity

情報カタログ (mysql.info) getting-mysql (mysql.info) general-installation-issues (mysql.info) installation-layouts
 2.1.4 Verifying Package Integrity Using MD5 Checksums or `GnuPG'


* verifying-md5-checksum       Verifying the MD5 Checksum
* checking-gpg-signature       Signature Checking Using `GnuPG'
* checking-rpm-signature       Signature Checking Using `RPM'
 After you have downloaded the MySQL package that suits your needs and
 before you attempt to install it, you should make sure that it is
 intact and has not been tampered with. MySQL AB offers three means of
 integrity checking:
    * MD5 checksums
    * Cryptographic signatures using `GnuPG', the GNU Privacy Guard
    * For RPM packages, the built-in RPM integrity verification mechanism
 The following sections describe how to use these methods.
 If you notice that the MD5 checksum or GPG signatures do not match,
 first try to download the respective package one more time, perhaps
 from another mirror site. If you repeatedly cannot successfully verify
 the integrity of the package, please notify us about such incidents,
 including the full package name and the download site you have been
 using, at <webmaster@mysql.com> or <build@mysql.com>. Do not report
 downloading problems using the bug-reporting system.
情報カタログ (mysql.info) getting-mysql (mysql.info) general-installation-issues (mysql.info) installation-layouts