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(mysql.info) windows-and-ssh

情報カタログ (mysql.info) ssl-options (mysql.info) secure-connections Connecting to MySQL Remotely from Windows with SSH
 Here is a note that describes how to get a secure connection to a
 remote MySQL server with SSH (by David Carlson <dcarlson@mplcomm.com>):
   1. Install an SSH client on your Windows machine. As a user, the best
      non-free one I have found is from `SecureCRT' from
      `http://www.vandyke.com/'. Another option is `f-secure' from
      `http://www.f-secure.com/'. You can also find some free ones on
      `Google' at
   2. Start your Windows SSH client. Set `Host_Name =
      YOURMYSQLSERVER_URL_OR_IP'.  Set `userid=YOUR_USERID' to log in to
      your server. This `userid' value might not be the same as the
      username of your MySQL account.
   3. Set up port forwarding. Either do a remote forward (Set
      `local_port: 3306', `remote_host: YOURMYSQLSERVERNAME_OR_IP',
      `remote_port: 3306' ) or a local forward (Set `port: 3306', `host:
      localhost', `remote port: 3306').
   4. Save everything, otherwise you will have to redo it the next time.
   5. Log in to your server with the SSH session you just created.
   6. On your Windows machine, start some ODBC application (such as
   7. Create a new file in Windows and link to MySQL using the ODBC
      driver the same way you normally do, except type in `localhost'
      for the MySQL host server, not YOURMYSQLSERVERNAME.
 At this point, you should have an ODBC connection to MySQL, encrypted
 using SSH.
情報カタログ (mysql.info) ssl-options (mysql.info) secure-connections