
mas_register_met -- register an instance of a metric with metric access support for provider use


   cc [options] file -lmas

#include <sys/types.h> #include <mas.h> caddr_t mas_register_met(metid_t id, name_t name, units_t units, name_t unitsnm, type_t mettype, uint32 obj_sz, uint32 nobj, caddr_t maddr, resource_t resource, uint32 unitnum, ...);


The function mas_register_met registers an individual instance of a metric with a metric ID number of id into a metric registration file previously initialized with mas_init. The name of the metric is passed as a string in name. The units of the metric and a string representation of the units are passed in units and unitsnm, respectively. The type of metric is passed in mettype. The size of each element of the metric is given in obj_sz, and nobj is the number of elements that constitute the metric. Under most circumstances, nobj will be set to 1. A value greater than 1 in nobj indicates that the metric is actually an array. Metrics that are strings should be registered with obj_sz set to 1 and nobj set to the number of characters in the string. The maddr argument specifies the address at which the metric is located in the caller. This address must reside within a metric segment previously passed to mas_init, or it must be NULL. If the metric address is NULL, mas_register_met attempts to place the metric in an internal metric segment. If no internal metric segment was requested in the previous call to mas_init, then mas_register_met fails when metaddr is NULL.

Metrics can be kept based on one or more resources. A resource is another metric that specifies the number of instances of a metric. For example, if a metric is kept on a per-cpu basis, there is one instance of the metric for each cpu, and the resource is the number of cpus. Likewise, if a metric is kept for each disk in a system, then the resource is the number of disks. Hence, an instance is an individual occurrence of a metric value.

An instance of a metric is specified by a set of resource and unit-number pairs, which are specified in resource and unitnum. Unit numbers are assigned from 0 to the value of resource - 1. Since metrics may be kept based on more than one resource, any number of resource and unit-number pairs can be specified, but the list must be terminated with a value of 0,0 for the last resource and unit-number pair.

Two special resources are defined in the mas.h header file, MAS_NATIVE and MAS_SYSTEM. MAS_NATIVE indicates that the metric being registered has only one instance, and is a system constant. MAS_SYSTEM indicates that the metric being registered has only one instance, and is a value that is kept system wide. Metrics used as resources must be registered before other metrics can use them as resources. They also must have their values set before being used as a resource, and their values must remain constant.

Return values

On success, mas_register_met returns the address at which the metric resides in the caller's address space.

On failure, mas_register_met returns NULL and sets mas_errno to identify the error.


MAS_USAGE - mas not initialized
mas_init was not called prior to calling mas_register_met.

MAS_INVALIDARG - can't determine segment for metric
The metric address in metaddr falls outside of the segments passed to mas_init.

MAS_INVALIDARG - object size mismatch
The object size of this metric, obj_sz, does not match the object size from a previous call to mas_register_met.

MAS_INVALIDARG - array size mismatch
The number of objects for this metric, nobj, does not match the number of objects from a previous call to mas_register_met.

MAS_INVALIDARG - invalid unit number
A unit number is less than 0 or greater than or equal to the value of the resource for which it is specified.

MAS_INVALIDARG - name mismatch
The name for this metric, name, does not match the name from a previous call to mas_register_met.

MAS_INVALIDARG - units mismatch
The units field for this metric, units, or the units name, unitsnm, does not match the units field or units name from a previous call to mas_register_met.

MAS_INVALIDARG - resource mismatch
The resource list for this metric does not match the resource list from a previous call to mas_register_met.

MAS_INVALIDARG - metric unit number redefined
Multiple calls have been made to mas_register_met to register the same instance.

MAS_INVALIDARG - metric segment number redefined
Multiple calls have been made to mas_register_met to register the same instance.

MAS_LIMIT - too many metrics, increase MAS_MAX_METS
More than MAS_MAX_METS metrics, (not instances), have been registered. MAS_MAX_METS is currently set to 2048.

MAS_LIMIT - ran out of metadata space
More than MAS_MAX_META bytes of metadata space are in use. MAS_MAX_META is currently set to 128K.

MAS_LIMIT - ran out of string space
More than MAS_MAX_STRING bytes of string data space are in use. MAS_MAX_STRING is currently set to 128K.

MAS_LIMIT - ran out of metric data space
More than MAS_MAX_METRIC bytes of metric data space are in use in the internal metric segment. MAS_MAX_METRIC is currently set to 128K.

MAS_INVALIDARG - can't find metric for resource determination
A metric ID supplied as a resource has not been registered with mas_register_met.

MAS_INVALIDARG - metric for resource has more than one element
A metric ID supplied as a resource has more than one element.

MAS_NOSUPPORT - unsupported resource object size
A metric ID supplied as a resource has an object size other than the size of an elementary type, or is larger than uint32.

MAS_INVALIDARG - resource value < 0
A metric ID supplied as a resource has a value less than 0.


Metrics supplied as resources are checked to make sure they have a single value, but metric access support cannot determine if a resource value is variable. If a metric whose value is not constant is used as a resource, either the mas_get_met consumer call fails, or some other unpredictable result occurs.


© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004