マニュアルセクション 1Mcert
ant - automated test and certification suites for SCO OpenServer 5 MDI network adapter drivers
color3 - verify that the correct number of colors are displayed for a graphics adapter driver
graftest - verify that all modes work for an X display driver
hbacert - test and certification suites for SDI drivers
hcp - old name for SCO OpenServer 5 platform load tests
hcpdesktop - HCP desktop tests
hcptest - system load tests for SCO OpenServer 5 kernel
Intro - introduction to HDK test and certification suites
loadtest - old system load tests for SVR5 kernel
loadtests - old name for SVR5 platform load tests
loadtests, hcptest - system load tests
ndtests - test and certification suites for SVR5 MDI network adapter card drivers
O5hbacert - test and certification suites for SCO OpenServer 5 SCSI drivers
plt - platform load tests
RunTests - front end to X test suites for NFB graphical adapter drivers
spm - STREAMS performance analyzer for MDI
text2 - verify that fonts are displayed correctly for a graphics adapter driver
uts - regression test for graphics adapter drivers
x11perf - test performance of graphic adapter driver on specific system hardware
xbench - graphic adapter driver performance benchmark test
xtests - functional regression tests for NFB graphic adapter drivers