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マニュアルセクション 1tcl

after - execute a command after a time delay
alarm - send SIGALARM in specified number of seconds
append - append to variable
apropos - search help descriptions for matching pattern
array - manipulate array variables
auto_commands - list names of all loadable procedures and commands
auto_load - attempt to load the specified command from a loadable library
auto_load_file - source a file, using auto_path as search parameter
auto_packages - return list of names of all defined packages
bgerror - process background errors
break - abort looping command
bsearch - search open file for match
buildpackageindex - build index files for package libraries
case - evaluate one of several scripts, depending on a given value
catch - evaluate script and trap exceptional returns
catclose - close message catalog cathandle
catgets - retrieve message from message catalog
catopen - open message catalog catname
cd - change working directory
cequal - compare two strings for equality
cexpand - expand backslash characters in string to actual characters
chgrp - set group ID for files in specified list
chmod - set permissions of files in specified list
chown - set owner of files in specified list
chroot - change root directory to specified name
cindex - return character indexed by given expression from string
clength - return length of string in characters
clock - obtain and manipulate time
close - close an open file
cmdtrace - print trace statement for executing commands
commandloop - create interactive command loop for Tcl interpreter
concat - join lists together
continue - skip to the next iteration of a loop
convert_lib - convert a Ousterhout style index file and source files into a package library
convertclock - convert date string to integer value
copyfile - copy remainder of file1 to file2
crange - return a range of characters from string
csubstr - return a substring of characters from string
ctoken - parse a token out of a character string
ctype - test whether characters in a string are of a given class
dirs - list directories in directory stack
dup - duplicate an open file
echo - write to standard input, followed by newline
edprocs - write named procedures to temporary file, call editor
eof - check for end-of-file condition on open file
error - generate an error
eval - evaluate a Tcl script
exec - invoke subprocess(es)
execl - replace current program with another, passing arguments in list
exit - end the application
expr - evaluate an expression
fblocked - test whether the last input operation exhausted all available input
fcntl - set or clear a file option or return its current value
fconfigure - set and get options on a channel
file - manipulate file names and attributes
fileevent - execute a script when a channel becomes readable or writable
filename - filename conventions supported by Tcl commands
flock - set, clear, or return file options
flush - flush buffered output for a file
fmtclock - convert time integer to readable clock format
for - a looping command
for_array_keys - perform foreach for each key in named array
for_file - implement loop over contents of a file
for_recursive_glob - perform foreach loop over recursively matched files
foreach - iterate over all elements in a list
fork - fork the current Tcl process
format - format a string in the style of sprintf
frename - rename old path to new path
fstat - obtain status information on open file
funlock - remove lock created by flock
getclock - return current date and time as integer
gets - read a line from a file
glob - return names of files that match patterns
global - access global variables
help - provide lists of all available help subjects and pages
helpcd - change the current help subject
helppwd - display the current help subject
history - manipulate the history list
id - get, set, convert user, group, process IDs
if - execute scripts conditionally
incr - increment the value of a variable
info - return information about the state of the Tcl interpreter
infox - return info on application or extended Tcl
interp - create and manipulate Tcl interpreters
intersect - return the logical intersection of two lists
intersect3 - return the logical intersection of two lists and exceptions
Intro - introduction to the Tools Command Language (Tcl)
join - create a string by joining together list elements
keyldel - delete key and value from keyed list
keylget - return value associated with key from the keyed list in the variable listvar
keylkeys - return the list of keys in the keyed list in the variable listvar
keylset - set the value of key in the keyed list contained in the variable listvar
kill - signal processes found in list
lappend - append list elements onto a variable
lassign - assign successive elements of a list to specified variables
lempty - determine if specified list is empty
lgets - read next Tcl list from file and discard terminating newline
library - standard library of Tcl procedures
lindex - retrieve an element from a list
link - create hard or symbolic link between files
linsert - insert elements into a list
list - create a list
llength - count the number of elements in a list
lmatch - return list entries matching specified pattern
load - load machine code and initialize new commands
loadlibindex - load the package library index of a .tlib library file
loop - high performance loop command for fixed increments
lrange - return one or more adjacent elements from a list
lreplace - replace elements in a list with new elements
lrmdups - remove duplicate list entries and re-sort
lsearch - see if a list contains a particular element
lsort - sort the elements of a list
lvarcat - concatenate string to end of specified list
lvarpop - delete list element indexed by specified variable
lvarpush - insert string to specified list
max - return argument with highest numeric value
min - return argument with lowest numeric value
mkdir - create specified directories
nice - change or return process priority
open - open a file
package - facilities for package loading and version control
pid - retrieve process id(s)
pipe - create a pipe
pkg_mkIndex - build an index for automatic loading of packages
popd - pop top directory from directory stack to current directory
proc - create a Tcl procedure
profile - collect performance profile of a Tcl script
profrep - generates a report from data collected by profile(1tcl)
pushd - push current directory onto directory stack and cd to specified directory
puts - write to a file
pwd - return the current working directory
random - return pseudo-random positive integer
read - read from a file
read_file - read file and return contents as string
readdir - list contents of specified directory
recursive_glob - return list of recursively-matched files
regexp - match a regular expression against a string
regsub - perform substitutions based on regular expression pattern matching
rename - rename or delete a command
replicate - replicate string n times
return - return from a procedure
rmdir - remove specified directories
saveprocs - save definition of named or defined procedures to named file
scan - parse string using conversion specifiers in the style of sscanf
scancontext - set scan file context
scanfile - scan open file starting from current position
scanmatch - specify Tcl commands to be evaluated when regexp(1tcl) is matched by a scanfile
searchpath - search all directories in the specified path
seek - change the access position for an open file
select - wait for files to come available or satisfy conditions
server_info - obtain information about a TCP/IP server
server_open - open TCP/IP connection to server on specified port
set - read and write variables
showproc - list definitions of named procedures
signal - specify action to take when Tcl is signalled by UNIX
sleep - sleep for specified time in seconds
socket - open a TCP network connection
source - evaluate a file as a Tcl script
split - split a string into a proper Tcl list
string - manipulate strings
subst - perform backslash, command, and variable substitutions
switch - evaluate one of several scripts, depending on a given value
sync - flush all pending disk output
system - execute command via system(S) call
tclsh - simple shell containing Tcl interpreter
tclvars - variables used by Tcl
tell - return current access position for an open file
time - time the execution of a script
times - list process and child execution times
trace - monitor variable accesses
translit - change characters in inrange to outrange
umask - set file creation mode
union - return logical unique union of two lists
unknown - handle attempts to use non-existent commands
unlink - delete (unlink) listed files
unset - delete variables
update - process pending events and idle callbacks
uplevel - execute a script in a different stack frame
upvar - create link to variable in a different stack frame
vwait - process events until a variable is written
wait - wait for process created by execl to terminate
while - execute script repeatedly as long as a condition is met
write_file - write strings to specified file