マニュアルセクション 3C++
Args - UNIX command line arguments
Array_alg - introduction to Array Algorithms
artic_pts - find the articulation points of a connected component of an undirected Graph
bfs, bfs_u - breadth-first traversal of Graphs
bin_loc - search a sorted array for an element greater than a given value
bin_search - search a sorted array for an element with a given value
Bits - variable-length bit strings
Block - Parameterized variable-size arrays
cartpol - cartesian/polar functions for the C++ Complex Math Library
complex - introduction to C++ complex mathematics library
complex_error - error-handling function for the C++ Complex Math Library
comps - find connected components in a Graph
copy - copy an array to a new location
count - count the elements of an array that satisfy a given criterion
cplxexp: exp, log, pow, sqrt - exponential, logarithm, power, square root functions
cplxops - operators for the C++ complex math library
cplxtrig - trigonometric and hyperbolic functions for the C++ complex library
cycle, cycle_u - determine whether a Graph contains cycles
cycle_list, cycle_list_u - find cycles in a Graph
dfs, dfs_u - depth-first traversal of Graphs
Duration - Time differences
filebuf - buffer for file I/O.
fill - assign a given value to all locations in an array
for_each - apply a given function to every location in an array
fs - C++ symbolic freestore manager
Fsm - simple deterministic finite state machines
fstream - iostream and streambuf specialized to files
G2++ - introduction to G2++ input/output
G2Text - Strings with printable ASCII external representations
generate - apply a given function to every location in an array
Graph, Edge, Vertex - entities and relationships
Graph_alg - introduction to Graph Algorithms
ins_sort - sort an array using an insertion sort algorithm
insert - insert an element into a sorted array
Intro - introduction to C++ library classes
ios - input/output formatting
iostream - buffering, formatting and input/output
ipcstream - iostream and streambuf specialized to interprocess communication
istream - formatted and unformatted input
ksh_test - Korn shell test predicate
List, List_of_p - parameterized variable-length sequences
manip - iostream out of band manipulations
Map - Parameterized variable-size associative arrays
merge - combine two sorted arrays into one
merge_sort - stably sort an array
minimum - find the smallest element in an array
mismatch - find the first location at which two arrays differ
Objection - rudimentary error-handling
ostream - formatted and unformatted output
part - partition an array into two groups of elements
Path - UNIX path names
Place - timezone information
Pool, Vpool - special-purpose memory allocators
pos - find the leftmost element in an array satisfying a given criterion
random - generate a random location in an array
Regex - Regular expressions
rem - remove elements of an array that satisfy a given criterion
rem_dup - remove duplicate elements from an array
reverse - reverse the order of elements in an array
rotate - circularly rotate the elements of an array
rt_pos - find the rightmost element in an array satisfying a given criterion
search - find a matching subarray in an array
Search_path - UNIX search paths
select - find the n smallest elements in an array
Set, Set_of_p, Bag - parameterized unordered collections
set_diff - treating arrays as sets, take the set difference
set_insert - treating arrays as sets, insert an element
set_inter - treating arrays as sets, take the intersection
set_remove - treating arrays as sets, remove an element
set_sdiff - treating arrays as sets, take the symmetric difference
set_union - treating arrays as sets, take the union
shuffle - shuffle an array in place
sort - sort an array in place
stdiobuf - iostream specialized to stdio FILE
Stopwatch - program execution time measurement
streambuf_prot - interface for derived classes
streambuf_pub - public interface of character buffering class
String - variable-length character strings
Strstream - iostream and streambuf specialized to Strings
strstream - iostream specialized to arrays
strstreambuf - streambuf specialized to arrays
subs - substitute a new value for elements of an array equal to a given value
Symbol - unique identifiers based on character strings
Time - date and time-of-day
Tmppath - Temporary path names
typed_io - G2++ typed input/output
unique - remove repeated elements from a sorted array
untyped_io - G2++ untyped insertion and extraction
Vblock - Similar to Block