マニュアルセクション 3X
assert - verify program assertion
cd_defs - set or get default CD-ROM file permissions, user IDs, and group IDs
cd_drec, cd_cdrec - read Directory Record from CD-ROM directory
cd_getdevmap - get the major and minor numbers assigned to a CD-ROM device
cd_idmap - set or get mappings of CD-ROM user and group IDs
cd_nmconv - set or get CD-ROM name conversion flag
cd_ptrec, cd_cptrec - read CD-ROM Path Table Record
cd_pvd, cd_cpvd - read CD-ROM Primary Volume Descriptor (PVD)
cd_setdevmap - set or unset major and minor numbers assignments for a CD-ROM device
cd_suf - read the cdfs System Use Field from the specified System Use Area
cd_svd, cd_csvd - read CD-ROM Supplementary Volume Descriptors (SVD)
cd_type - get CD-ROM format identification
cd_xar, cd_cxar - read CD-ROM Extended Attribute Record (XAR)
crypt - password and file encryption functions
Intro - introduction to miscellaneous library routines
maillock - manage lockfile for user's mailbox
mallopt - memory allocator
pt_close - terminate Host Bus Adapter (HBA) pass-through access
pt_open - initiate Host Bus Adapter (HBA) pass-through access
pt_send - send SCSI commands to Host Bus Adapter (HBA) opened for pass-through access
sputl, sgetl - access long integer data in a machine-independent fashion