マニュアルセクション 3curses
add_wch - add a complex character and rendition to a window
add_wchnstr - add an array of complex characters and renditions to a window
add_wchstr - add an array of complex characters and renditions to a window
addch - add a single-byte character and rendition to a window and advance the cursor
addchnstr - add string of single-byte characters and renditions to a window
addchstr - add string of single-byte characters and renditions to a window
addnstr - add a string of multi-byte characters without rendition to a window and advance cursor
addnwstr - add a wide-character string to a window and advance the cursor
addstr - add a string of multi-byte characters without rendition to a window and advance cursor
addwstr - add a wide-character string to a window and advance the cursor
attr_get - window attribute control functions
attr_off - window attribute control functions
attr_on - window attribute control functions
attr_set - window attribute control functions
attroff - restricted window attribute control functions
attron - restricted window attribute control functions
attrset - restricted window attribute control functions
baudrate - get terminal baud rate
beep - audible signal
bkgd - background attribute manipulation
bkgdset - background attribute manipulation
bkgrnd - background attribute manipulation using complex characters
bkgrndset - background attribute manipulation using complex characters
border - draw borders from single-byte characters and renditions
border_set - draw borders from complex characters and renditions
box - draw borders from single-byte characters and renditions
box_set - draw borders from complex characters and renditions
can_change_color - query color redefinition on terminal
cbreak - input mode control functions
chgat - change renditions of characters in a window
clear - clear a window
clearok - terminal output control functions
clrtobot - clear from cursor to end of window
clrtoeol - clear from cursor to end of line
color - color manipulation functions
color_content - identify intensity components of a color
COLOR_PAIR - return the color attribute for a given color-pair
COLOR_PAIRS - maximum number of supported color-pairs
color_set - window attribute control functions
COLORS - number of supported colors
COLS - number of columns on terminal screen
copywin - copy a region of a window
cur_term - current terminal information
curs_set - set the cursor mode
curscr - current window
def_prog_mode - save/restore program or shell terminal modes
def_shell_mode - save/restore program or shell terminal modes
del_curterm - interfaces to the terminfo database
delay_output - delay output
delch - delete a character from a window.
deleteln - delete lines in a window
delscreen - free storage associated with a screen
delwin - delete a window
derwin - window creation functions
doupdate - refresh windows and lines
dupwin - duplicate a window
echo - enable/disable terminal echo
echo_wchar - write a complex character and immediately refresh the window
echochar - echo single-byte character and rendition to a window and refresh
endwin - suspend Curses session
erase - clear a window
erasechar - terminal environment query functions
erasewchar - terminal environment query functions
filter - disable use of certain terminal capabilities
flash - flash the screen
flushinp - discard input
get_wch - get a wide character from a terminal
get_wstr - get an array of wide characters and function key codes from a terminal
getbegyx - get cursor and window coordinates
getbkgd - background attribute manipulation
getbkgrnd - background attribute manipulation using complex characters
getcchar - get a wide character string and rendition from a cchar_t
getch - get a single-byte character from the terminal
getmaxyx - get cursor and window coordinates
getn_wstr - get an array of wide characters and function key codes from a terminal
getnstr - get a multi-byte character string from the terminal
getparyx - get cursor and window coordinates
getstr - get a multi-byte character string from the terminal
getwin - dump window to, and reload window from a file
getyx - get cursor and window coordinates
halfdelay - control input character delay mode
has_colors - query color support on terminal
has_ic - query functions for terminal insert and delete capability
has_il - query functions for terminal insert and delete capability
hline - draw lines from single-byte characters and renditions
hline_set - draw lines from complex characters and renditions
idcok - enable or disable use of hardware insert and delete-character features
idlok - terminal output control functions
immedok - enable or disable immediate terminal refresh
in_wch - extract a complex character and rendition from a window
in_wchnstr - extract an array of complex characters and renditions from a window
in_wchstr - extract an array of complex characters and renditions from a window
inch - input a single-byte character and rendition from a window
inchnstr - input an array of single-byte characters and renditions from a window
inchstr - input an array of single-byte characters and renditions from a window
init_color - redefine a color
init_pair - define or redefine a color-pair
initscr - screen initialisation functions
innstr - input a multi-byte character string from a window
innwstr - input a string of wide characters from a window
ins_nwstr - insert a wide-character string into a window
ins_wch - insert a complex character and rendition into a window
ins_wstr - insert a wide-character string into a window
insch - insert a single-byte character and rendition into a window
insdelln - delete or insert lines into a window
insertln - insert lines into a window
insnstr - insert a multi-byte character string into a window
insstr - insert a multi-byte character string into a window
instr - input a multi-byte character string from a window
intrflush - enable or disable flush on interrupt
Intro - Introduction to the X/Open Curses terminal operations interface
inwstr - input a string of wide characters from a window
is_linetouched - window refresh control functions
is_wintouched - window refresh control functions
isendwin - determine whether a screen has been refreshed
key_name - get name of key
keyname - get name of key
keypad - enable/disable abbreviation of function keys
killchar - terminal environment query functions
killwchar - terminal environment query functions
leaveok - terminal output control functions
LINES - number of lines on terminal screen
longname - get verbose description of current terminal
meta - enable/disable meta-keys
move - window cursor location functions
mv - pointer page for functions with mv prefix
mvadd_wch - add a complex character and rendition to a window
mvadd_wchnstr - add an array of complex characters and renditions to a window
mvadd_wchstr - add an array of complex characters and renditions to a window
mvaddch - add a single-byte character and rendition to a window and advance the cursor
mvaddchnstr - add string of single-byte characters and renditions to a window
mvaddchstr - add string of single-byte characters and renditions to a window
mvaddnstr - add a string of multi-byte characters without rendition to a window and advance cursor
mvaddnwstr - add a wide-character string to a window and advance the cursor
mvaddstr - add a string of multi-byte characters without rendition to a window and advance cursor
mvaddwstr - add a wide-character string to a window and advance the cursor
mvchgat - change renditions of characters in a window
mvcur - output cursor movement commands to the terminal
mvdelch - delete a character from a window.
mvderwin - define window coordinate transformation
mvget_wch - get a wide character from a terminal
mvget_wstr - get an array of wide characters and function key codes from a terminal
mvgetch - get a single-byte character from the terminal
mvgetn_wstr - get an array of wide characters and function key codes from a terminal
mvgetnstr - get a multi-byte character string from the terminal
mvgetstr - get a multi-byte character string from the terminal
mvhline - draw lines from single-byte characters and renditions
mvhline_set - draw lines from complex characters and renditions
mvin_wch - extract a complex character and rendition from a window
mvin_wchnstr - extract an array of complex characters and renditions from a window
mvin_wchstr - extract an array of complex characters and renditions from a window
mvinch - input a single-byte character and rendition from a window
mvinchnstr - input an array of single-byte characters and renditions from a window
mvinchstr - input an array of single-byte characters and renditions from a window
mvinnstr - input a multi-byte character string from a window
mvinnwstr - input a string of wide characters from a window
mvins_nwstr - insert a wide-character string into a window
mvins_wch - insert a complex character and rendition into a window
mvins_wstr - insert a wide-character string into a window
mvinsch - insert a single-byte character and rendition into a window
mvinsnstr - insert a multi-byte character string into a window
mvinsstr - insert a multi-byte character string into a window
mvinstr - input a multi-byte character string from a window
mvinwstr - input a string of wide characters from a window
mvprintw - print formatted output in window
mvscanw - convert formatted input from a window
mvvline - draw lines from single-byte characters and renditions
mvvline_set - draw lines from complex characters and renditions
mvwadd_wch - add a complex character and rendition to a window
mvwadd_wchnstr - add an array of complex characters and renditions to a window
mvwadd_wchstr - add an array of complex characters and renditions to a window
mvwaddch - add a single-byte character and rendition to a window and advance the cursor
mvwaddchnstr - add string of single-byte characters and renditions to a window
mvwaddchstr - add string of single-byte characters and renditions to a window
mvwaddnstr - add a string of multi-byte characters without rendition to a window and advance cursor
mvwaddnwstr - add a wide-character string to a window and advance the cursor
mvwaddstr - add a string of multi-byte characters without rendition to a window and advance cursor
mvwaddwstr - add a wide-character string to a window and advance the cursor
mvwchgat - change renditions of characters in a window
mvwdelch - delete a character from a window.
mvwget_wch - get a wide character from a terminal
mvwget_wstr - get an array of wide characters and function key codes from a terminal
mvwgetch - get a single-byte character from the terminal
mvwgetn_wstr - get an array of wide characters and function key codes from a terminal
mvwgetnstr - get a multi-byte character string from the terminal
mvwgetstr - get a multi-byte character string from the terminal
mvwhline - draw lines from single-byte characters and renditions
mvwhline_set - draw lines from complex characters and renditions
mvwin - move window
mvwin_wch - extract a complex character and rendition from a window
mvwin_wchnstr - extract an array of complex characters and renditions from a window
mvwin_wchstr - extract an array of complex characters and renditions from a window
mvwinch - input a single-byte character and rendition from a window
mvwinchnstr - input an array of single-byte characters and renditions from a window
mvwinchstr - input an array of single-byte characters and renditions from a window
mvwinnstr - input a multi-byte character string from a window
mvwinnwstr - input a string of wide characters from a window
mvwins_nwstr - insert a wide-character string into a window
mvwins_wch - insert a complex character and rendition into a window
mvwins_wstr - insert a wide-character string into a window
mvwinsch - insert a single-byte character and rendition into a window
mvwinsnstr - insert a multi-byte character string into a window
mvwinsstr - insert a multi-byte character string into a window
mvwinstr - input a multi-byte character string from a window
mvwinwstr - input a string of wide characters from a window
mvwprintw - print formatted output in window
mvwscanw - convert formatted input from a window
mvwvline - draw lines from single-byte characters and renditions
mvwvline_set - draw lines from complex characters and renditions
napms - suspend the calling process
newpad - pad management functions
newterm - screen initialisation functions
newwin - window creation functions
nl - enable/disable newline translation
no - pointer page for functions with no prefix
nocbreak - input mode control functions
nodelay - enable or disable block during read
noecho - enable/disable terminal echo
nonl - enable/disable newline translation
noqiflush - enable/disable queue flushing
noraw - input mode control functions
notimeout - control blocking on input
overlay - copy overlapped windows
overwrite - copy overlapped windows
pair_content - retrieve component colors of a color-pair
PAIR_NUMBER - return a color-pair number for given color attribute
pecho_wchar - write a character and rendition and immediately refresh the pad
pechochar - write a character and rendition and immediately refresh the pad
pnoutrefresh - pad management functions
prefresh - pad management functions
printw - print formatted output in window
putp - output commands to the terminal
putwin - dump window to, and reload window from a file
qiflush - enable/disable queue flushing
raw - input mode control functions
redrawwin - line update status functions
refresh - refresh windows and lines
reset_prog_mode - save/restore program or shell terminal modes
reset_shell_mode - save/restore program or shell terminal modes
resetty - save/restore terminal mode
restartterm - interfaces to the terminfo database
ripoffline - reserve a line for a dedicated purpose
savetty - save/restore terminal mode
scanw - convert formatted input from a window
scr_dump - screen file input/output functions
scr_init - screen file input/output functions
scr_restore - screen file input/output functions
scr_set - screen file input/output functions
scrl - scroll a Curses window
scroll - scroll a Curses window
scrollok - terminal output control functions
set_curterm - interfaces to the terminfo database
set_term - switch between screens
setcchar - set cchar_t from a wide character string and rendition
setscrreg - define software scrolling region
setscrreg, - terminal output control functions
setupterm - interfaces to the terminfo database
slk_attr_off - soft label functions
slk_attr_on - soft label functions
slk_attr_set - soft label functions
slk_attroff - soft label functions
slk_attron - soft label functions
slk_attrset - soft label functions
slk_clear - soft label functions
slk_color - soft label functions
slk_init - soft label functions
slk_label - soft label functions
slk_noutrefresh - soft label functions
slk_refresh - soft label functions
slk_restore - soft label functions
slk_set - soft label functions
slk_touch - soft label functions
slk_wset - soft label functions
standend - set and clear window attributes
standout - set and clear window attributes
start_color - initialize basic colors
stdscr - default window
subpad - pad management functions
subwin - window creation functions
syncok - synchronise a window with its
term_attrs - get supported terminal video attributes
termattrs - get supported terminal video attributes
termname - get terminal name
tgetent - termcap database emulation (TO BE WITHDRAWN)
tgetflag - termcap database emulation (TO BE WITHDRAWN)
tgetnum - termcap database emulation (TO BE WITHDRAWN)
tgetstr - termcap database emulation (TO BE WITHDRAWN)
tgoto - termcap database emulation (TO BE WITHDRAWN)
tigetflag - retrieve capabilities from the terminfo database
tigetnum - retrieve capabilities from the terminfo database
tigetstr - retrieve capabilities from the terminfo database
timeout - control blocking on input
touchline - window refresh control functions
touchwin - window refresh control functions
tparm - retrieve capabilities from the terminfo database
tputs - output commands to the terminal
typeahead - control checking for typeahead
unctrl - generate printable representation of a character
unget_wch - push a character onto the input queue
ungetch - push a character onto the input queue
untouchwin - window refresh control functions
use_env - specify source of screen size information
vid_attr - output attributes to the terminal
vid_puts - output attributes to the terminal
vidattr - output attributes to the terminal
vidputs - output attributes to the terminal
vline - draw lines from single-byte characters and renditions
vline_set - draw lines from complex characters and renditions
vw_printw - print formatted output in window
vw_scanw - convert formatted input from a window
vwprintw - print formatted output in window (TO BE WITHDRAWN)
vwscanw - who knows?
w - pointer page for functions with w prefix
wadd_wch - add a complex character and rendition to a window
wadd_wchnstr - add an array of complex characters and renditions to a window
wadd_wchstr - add an array of complex characters and renditions to a window
waddch - add a single-byte character and rendition to a window and advance the cursor
waddchnstr - add string of single-byte characters and renditions to a window
waddchstr - add string of single-byte characters and renditions to a window
waddnstr - add a string of multi-byte characters without rendition to a window and advance cursor
waddnwstr - add a wide-character string to a window and advance the cursor
waddstr - add a string of multi-byte characters without rendition to a window and advance cursor
waddwstr - add a wide-character string to a window and advance the cursor
wattr_get - window attribute control functions
wattr_off - window attribute control functions
wattr_on - window attribute control functions
wattr_set - window attribute control functions
wattroff - restricted window attribute control functions
wattron - restricted window attribute control functions
wattrset - restricted window attribute control functions
wbkgd - background attribute manipulation
wbkgdset - background attribute manipulation
wbkgrnd - background attribute manipulation using complex characters
wbkgrndset - background attribute manipulation using complex characters
wborder - draw borders from single-byte characters and renditions
wborder_set - draw borders from complex characters and renditions
wchgat - change renditions of characters in a window
wclear - clear a window
wclrtobot - clear from cursor to end of window
wclrtoeol - clear from cursor to end of line
wcolor_set - window attribute control functions
wcursyncup - synchronise a window with its
wdelch - delete a character from a window.
wdeleteln - delete lines in a window
wecho_wchar - write a complex character and immediately refresh the window
wechochar - echo single-byte character and rendition to a window and refresh
werase - clear a window
wget_wch - get a wide character from a terminal
wget_wstr - get an array of wide characters and function key codes from a terminal
wgetbkgrnd - background attribute manipulation using complex characters
wgetch - get a single-byte character from the terminal
wgetn_wstr - get an array of wide characters and function key codes from a terminal
wgetnstr - get a multi-byte character string from the terminal
wgetstr - get a multi-byte character string from the terminal
whline - draw lines from single-byte characters and renditions
whline_set - draw lines from complex characters and renditions
win_wch - extract a complex character and rendition from a window
win_wchnstr - extract an array of complex characters and renditions from a window
win_wchstr - extract an array of complex characters and renditions from a window
winch - input a single-byte character and rendition from a window
winchnstr - input an array of single-byte characters and renditions from a window
winchstr - input an array of single-byte characters and renditions from a window
winnstr - input a multi-byte character string from a window
winnwstr - input a string of wide characters from a window
wins_nwstr - insert a wide-character string into a window
wins_wch - insert a complex character and rendition into a window
wins_wstr - insert a wide-character string into a window
winsch - insert a single-byte character and rendition into a window
winsdelln - delete or insert lines into a window
winsertln - insert lines into a window
winsnstr - insert a multi-byte character string into a window
winsstr - insert a multi-byte character string into a window
winstr - input a multi-byte character string from a window
winwstr - input a string of wide characters from a window
wmove - window cursor location functions
wnoutrefresh - refresh windows and lines
wprintw - print formatted output in window
wredrawln - line update status functions
wrefresh - refresh windows and lines
wscanw - convert formatted input from a window
wscrl - scroll a Curses window
wsetscrreg - terminal output control functions
wstandend - set and clear window attributes
wstandout - set and clear window attributes
wsyncdown - synchronise a window with its
wsyncup - synchronise a window with its
wtimeout - control blocking on input
wtouchln - window refresh control functions
wunctrl - generate printable representation of a wide character
wvline - draw lines from single-byte characters and renditions
wvline_set - draw lines from complex characters and renditions