マニュアルセクション 3snmp
build_authentication - build SNMP authentication packet
build_pdu - create an SNMP PDU
close_up - close UDP end-point
decode_SMUX_PDU - parse SMUX PDUs into library format
encode_SMUX_PDU - create ASN.1 encoded SMUX PDU from SMUX PDU
free_authentication - frees authentication header data structure memory
free_octetstring - free all memory associated with OctetString
free_oid - free all memory associated with object identifier
free_pdu - free PDU header data structure memory
free_SMUX_ClosePDU - free memory associated with PDU header data structure
free_SMUX_GetPDU - free memory associated with PDU header data structure
free_SMUX_RReqPDU - free memory associated with PDU header data structure
free_SMUX_RRspPDU - free memory associated with PDU header data structure
free_SMUX_SimpleOpen - free memory associated with PDU header data structure
free_SMUX_SOutPDU - free memory associated with PDU header data structure
free_SMUX_TrapPDU - free memory associated with PDU header data structure
free_SNMP_SMUX_pdu - free memory associated with PDU header data structure
free_varbind_list - free memory associated with variable bindings
get_response - receive incoming SNMP messages
initialize_io - open UDP end-point
Intro - SNMP routines
link_varbind - adding VarBindList entry to PDU
make_authentication - create library format authentication header data structure
make_dot_from_obj_id - convert library object identifier into dot notation string
make_obj_id_from_dot - create library object identifier from character string
make_obj_id_from_hex - create library-format object identifier from hex string
make_octet_from_hex - convert hex text string into library format OctetString
make_octet_from_text - create library format OctetString from text strings
make_octetstring - produce library OctetString from input byte string and length
make_oid - produce library object identifier
make_pdu - create initial header block for SNMP ASN.1 data structure
make_req_id - generate positive number using current time of day
make_varbind - create VarBindList entry for chaining to PDU
octetstring: free_octetstring, make_octet_from_hex, make_octetstring, make_octet_from_text, print_ascii, print_octet_string_out - operations on OctetStrings
oid: free_oid, make_oid, make_obj_id_from_hex, make_dot_from_obj_id, make_obj_id_from_dot - operations on object Identifiers
parse_authentication - use SNMP packet to create library format authentication header data structure
parse_pdu - parses PDU information into correct library format
print_ascii - print OctetString contents as ASCII string
print_octet_string_out - print OctetString contents in hex
print_packet_out - prints out the contents of a buffer
print_varbind_list - print contents of VarBindList list
readobjects - create tree of objects managed by SMUX peer
send_request - send SNMP request to agent
smux_api: smux_close, smux_init, smux_register, smux_response, smux_simple_open, smux_trap, smux_wait, readobjects - SMUX API operations
smux_close - terminate SMUX association with local SNMP agent
smux_init - initiate TCP connection with local SNMP agent
smux_pdu: decode_SMUX_PDU, encode_SMUX_PDU, free_SNMP_SMUX_pdu, free_SMUX_SimpleOpen, free_SMUX_ClosePDU, free_SMUX_RReqPDU, free_SMUX_RRspPDU, free_SMUX_GetPDU, free_SMUX_SOutPDU, free_SMUX_TrapPDU - operations on SMUX PDUs
smux_register - export MIB subtree to SNMP agent
smux_response - send response to local SNMP agent requests
smux_simple_open - initiate SMUX association with local SNMP agent
smux_trap - send trap to SNMP agent
smux_util - SMUX library utilities
smux_wait - fetch and decode SMUX PDU
snmp_authentication: build_authentication, free_authentication, make_authentication, parse_authentication, print_packet_out - SNMP authentication operations
snmp_pdu: build_pdu, free_pdu, make_pdu, parse_pdu - operations on SNMP PDUs
snmpio_api: initialize_io, send_request, get_response, close_up, make_req_id - SNMP management routines
varbind: free_varbind_list, link_varbind, make_varbind, print_varbind_list - operations on variable bindings