ドキュメント ホーム サイトマップ マニュアルページ GNU 情報 検索 印刷形式

マニュアルセクション D3i2o

Intro - I2O kernel functions
intro - I2O kernel functions
OSMMsgDeRegister - indicate to message layer that OSM has finished
OSMMsgFreeRepBuf - free reply message frame
OSMMsgFreeReqBuf - free message frame
OSMMsgGetInboundFrameSize - return message frame size of inbound FIFO of an IOP
OSMMsgGetNumIops - return number of IOPs registered with the message layer
OSMMsgGetOutboundFrameSize - return message frame size of outbound FIFO of an IOP
OSMMsgGetReqBuf - acquire a message frame from the inbound queue
OSMMsgIopToKey - return the Resource Manager key for an IOP
OSMMsgIopValid - determine if a global IOP number is valid
OSMMsgKeyToIop - return global IOP number corresponding to Resource Manager key
OSMMsgMfaConvert - return preserved message frame address if function fails
OSMMsgOpenCall - initialize the message layer
OSMMsgRegister - register an OSM with the message layer
OSMMsgSend - send message to an IOP
OSMMsgSetInboundFrameSize - request change in message frame size of inbound FIFO of an IOP