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(diff.info) patch Messages

情報カタログ (diff.info) Reject Names (diff.info) Merging with patch (diff.info) patch and POSIX
 Messages and Questions from `patch'
    `patch' can produce a variety of messages, especially if it has
 trouble decoding its input.  In a few situations where it's not sure
 how to proceed, `patch' normally prompts you for more information from
 the keyboard.  There are options to produce more or fewer messages, to
 have it not ask for keyboard input, and to affect the way that file
 names are quoted in messages.


* More or Fewer Messages    Controlling the verbosity of `patch'.
* patch and Keyboard Input  Inhibiting keyboard input.
* patch Quoting Style       Quoting file names in diagnostics.
    `patch' exits with status 0 if all hunks are applied successfully, 1
 if some hunks cannot be applied, and 2 if there is more serious trouble.
 When applying a set of patches in a loop, you should check the exit
 status, so you don't apply a later patch to a partially patched file.
情報カタログ (diff.info) Reject Names (diff.info) Merging with patch (diff.info) patch and POSIX