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(diff.info) patch and POSIX

情報カタログ (diff.info) patch Messages (diff.info) Merging with patch (diff.info) patch and Tradition
 `patch' and the POSIX Standard
    If you specify the `--posix' option, or set the `POSIXLY_CORRECT'
 environment variable, `patch' conforms more strictly to the POSIX
 standard, as follows:
    * Take the first existing file from the list (old, new, index) when
      intuiting file names from diff headers.   Multiple Patches.
    * Do not remove files that are removed by a diff.   Creating
      and Removing.
    * Do not ask whether to get files from RCS, ClearCase, or SCCS.
       Revision Control.
    * Require that all options precede the files in the command line.
    * Do not backup files, even when there is a mismatch.  
情報カタログ (diff.info) patch Messages (diff.info) Merging with patch (diff.info) patch and Tradition