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(mysql.info) replication-master-sql

情報カタログ (mysql.info) replication-sql (mysql.info) replication-sql (mysql.info) replication-slave-sql
 13.6.1 SQL Statements for Controlling Master Servers


* purge-master-logs            `PURGE MASTER LOGS' Syntax
* reset-master                 `RESET MASTER' Syntax
* set-sql-log-bin              `SET SQL_LOG_BIN' Syntax
* show-binlog-events           `SHOW BINLOG EVENTS' Syntax
* show-master-logs             `SHOW MASTER LOGS' Syntax
* show-master-status           `SHOW MASTER STATUS' Syntax
* show-slave-hosts             `SHOW SLAVE HOSTS' Syntax
 Replication can be controlled through the SQL interface. This section
 discusses statements for managing master replication servers. 
 replication-slave-sql, discusses statements for managing slave
情報カタログ (mysql.info) replication-sql (mysql.info) replication-sql (mysql.info) replication-slave-sql