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(mysql.info) replication-slave-sql

情報カタログ (mysql.info) replication-master-sql (mysql.info) replication-sql
 13.6.2 SQL Statements for Controlling Slave Servers


* change-master-to             `CHANGE MASTER TO' Syntax
* load-data-from-master        `LOAD DATA FROM MASTER' Syntax
* load-table-from-master       `LOAD TABLE TBL_NAME FROM MASTER' Syntax
* master-pos-wait              `MASTER_POS_WAIT()' Syntax
* reset-slave                  `RESET SLAVE' Syntax
* set-global-sql-slave-skip-counter  `SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER' Syntax
* show-slave-status            `SHOW SLAVE STATUS' Syntax
* start-slave                  `START SLAVE' Syntax
* stop-slave                   `STOP SLAVE' Syntax
 Replication can be controlled through the SQL interface. This section
 discusses statements for managing slave replication servers. 
 replication-master-sql, discusses statements for managing master
情報カタログ (mysql.info) replication-master-sql (mysql.info) replication-sql