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(mysql.info) string-syntax

¾ðÊ󥫥¿¥í¥° (mysql.info) literals (mysql.info) literals (mysql.info) number-syntax
 9.1.1 Strings
 A string is a sequence of bytes or characters, enclosed within either
 single quote (‘`''’) or double quote (‘`"'’) characters.
      'a string'
      "another string"
 If the `ANSI_QUOTES' SQL mode is enabled, string literals can be quoted
 only within single quotes. A string quoted within double quotes is
 interpreted as an identifier.
 A binary string is a string of bytes that has no character set or
 collation. A non-binary string is a string of characters that has a
 character set and collation. For both types of strings, comparisons are
 based on the numeric values of the string unit.  For binary strings,
 the unit is the byte. For non-binary strings the unit is the character
 and some character sets allow multi-byte characters.
 String literals may have an optional character set introducer and
 `COLLATE' clause:
      SELECT _latin1'STRING';
      SELECT _latin1'STRING' COLLATE latin1_danish_ci;
 For more information about these forms of string syntax, see 
 Within a string, certain sequences have special meaning. Each of these
 sequences begins with a backslash (‘`\'’), known as the _escape
 character_. MySQL recognizes the following escape sequences:
 `\0'    An ASCII 0 (`NUL') character.
 `\''    A single quote (‘`''’) character.
 `\"'    A double quote (‘`"'’) character.
 `\b'    A backspace character.
 `\n'    A newline (linefeed) character.
 `\r'    A carriage return character.
 `\t'    A tab character.
 `\Z'    ASCII 26 (Control-Z). See note following the table.
 `\\'    A backslash (‘`\'’) character.
 `\%'    A ‘`%'’ character. See note following the table.
 `\_'    A ‘`_'’ character. See note following the table.
 These sequences are case sensitive. For example, ‘`\b'’ is
 interpreted as a backspace, but ‘`\B'’ is interpreted as ‘`B'’.
 The ASCII 26 character can be encoded as ‘`\Z'’ to enable you to
 work around the problem that ASCII 26 stands for END-OF-FILE on Windows.
 ASCII 26 within a file causes problems if you try to use `mysql DB_NAME
 The ‘`\%'’ and ‘`\_'’ sequences are used to search for literal
 instances of ‘`%'’ and ‘`_'’ in pattern-matching contexts where
 they would otherwise be interpreted as wildcard characters. See the
 description of the `LIKE' operator in 
 string-comparison-functions. If you use ‘`\%'’ or ‘`\_'’ in
 non-pattern-matching contexts, they evaluate to the strings ‘`\%'’
 and ‘`\_'’, not to ‘`%'’ and ‘`_'’.
 For all other escape sequences, backslash is ignored. That is, the
 escaped character is interpreted as if it was not escaped.  For
 example, ‘`\x'’ is just ‘`x'’.
 There are several ways to include quote characters within a string:
    * A ‘`''’ inside a string quoted with ‘`''’ may be written as
    * A ‘`"'’ inside a string quoted with ‘`"'’ may be written as
    * Precede the quote character by an escape character (‘`\'’).
    * A ‘`''’ inside a string quoted with ‘`"'’ needs no special
      treatment and need not be doubled or escaped. In the same way,
      ‘`"'’ inside a string quoted with ‘`''’ needs no special
 The following `SELECT' statements demonstrate how quoting and escaping
      mysql> SELECT 'hello', '"hello"', '""hello""', 'hel''lo', '\'hello';
      | hello | "hello" | ""hello"" | hel'lo | 'hello |
      mysql> SELECT "hello", "'hello'", "''hello''", "hel""lo", "\"hello";
      | hello | 'hello' | ''hello'' | hel"lo | "hello |
      mysql> SELECT 'This\nIs\nFour\nLines';
      | This
      Lines |
      mysql> SELECT 'disappearing\ backslash';
      | disappearing backslash |
 If you want to insert binary data into a string column (such as a
 `BLOB' column), the following characters must be represented by escape
 `NUL'   `NUL' byte (ASCII 0). Represent this character by ‘`\0'’ (a
         backslash followed by an ASCII ‘`0'’ character).
 `\'     Backslash (ASCII 92). Represent this character by ‘`\\'’.
 `''     Single quote (ASCII 39). Represent this character by ‘`\''’.
 `"'     Double quote (ASCII 34). Represent this character by ‘`\"'’.
 When writing application programs, any string that might contain any of
 these special characters must be properly escaped before the string is
 used as a data value in an SQL statement that is sent to the MySQL
 server. You can do this in two ways:
    * Process the string with a function that escapes the special
      characters. In a C program, you can use the
      `mysql_real_escape_string()' C API function to escape characters.
      See  mysql-real-escape-string. The Perl DBI interface
      provides a `quote' method to convert special characters to the
      proper escape sequences.  See  perl. Other language
      interfaces may provide a similar capability.
    * As an alternative to explicitly escaping special characters, many
      MySQL APIs provide a placeholder capability that enables you to
      insert special markers into a statement string, and then bind data
      values to them when you issue the statement. In this case, the API
      takes care of escaping special characters in the values for you.
¾ðÊ󥫥¿¥í¥° (mysql.info) literals (mysql.info) literals (mysql.info) number-syntax